Ringo & Mimosa RM #3 Builder Top Gel in Jar 10g

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Produced by Ringo &  Mimosa, that has both luster and strength . It is easy to operate even for beginners, and the clear and clear feeling is outstanding.

[Contents / Remarks]10g


Softgel type Cure under UV/LED light 1-2min 


#0 Top Coat for Oily

It's super smooth, water droplets can't even cling to it.
Its biggest advantage is its stain resistance. It's effective against oil stains and powder stains.
It won't go from freshly done and shiny to dirty in a couple of days.
It flows quickly, suitable for thin application; when used in large amounts, it can easily flow into nail grooves.
It's a great choice for those seeking extreme thinness."

#1 Classic Top Coat

It has relatively high fluidity and strong self-leveling ability. Although it has high fluidity within the RM range, it is still subtly heavier than typical no-wipe gels, not watery. It has a slight shaping ability, which can smooth out minor bumps and imperfections. It is suitable for creating a natural and delicate curvature. (For heavy shaping, please choose the #3 top coat.)

#2 Top gel for Mirror powder

It's so satisfying to get that powdered feeling, it's a stress reliever.
It has a certain toughness and elasticity, making it the most resistant to scratches and impacts among sealants.
It flows at a moderate speed, giving just the right amount of plumpness.

#3 Builder Top Gel 

It's a thick sealant integrated with construction, a long-term repurchase product in many nail salons.
Its advantage lies in its ease of use, integrating seamlessly with construction.
Ideal for sisters with thin, soft nails needing added thickness and strength.


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