TwinL Bloom Color Gel (B13-B24) 5g

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[Product number / color] Bloom Color 12 colors  (B13-B24)



The Twin L color gel  has greatly improved durability and adhesion, and it lasts a long time. 


This is a set of neon colors that are perfect for summer. 


This high quality and this low price.

[Contents / Remarks] 5g each 



Softgel type UV about 2 minutes and LED about 60 seconds due to the thick texture



Important Reminder: If you notice any precipitation or stratification, we recommend using a nail spatula to stir the gel. This is a natural occurrence caused by temperature variations affecting the gel’s consistency.

The date indicated is the manufacturing production date. Please note that the product is not expired and remains usable for 36 months from the date it is first opened.

Additionally, as these items are on discount sale, they are not eligible for refunds.

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