MODING Crystal Extension Adhensive and Nail Mold

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  JM01 Flat / Short Nail Extension Nail Mold                                                                          Specification: 192 pieces/box
A box contains two styles of nail molds
Each style includes sizes 0 to 11, with 8 pieces 
per size

Applicable Nail Shapes:
Suitable for short arched nails, medium length 
or ultra-long extension nails

Nail Shapes You Can Do:
Long/Short Coffin, Long/Short Square, Stilleto, 
Squoval and Round

JM02 Arched Nail/Long Nail Extension Nail Mold
Specification: 192 pieces/box
A box contains two styles of nail molds
Each style includes sizes 0 to 11, with 8 pieces 
per size

Applicable Nail Shapes:
Suitable for short flat nails and medium long nail extension

Nail Shapes You Can Do:
Long/Short Coffin, Long/Short Oval, Stilleto, Square, Squoval and Round

Each Box Net Weight: 225g

Crystal Extension Adhensive 

Clear and Naked Skin Color 30g each


Each Tube Net Weight: 50g

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