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Rily Check Sticker 【Check 1-9】

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Rily Check 1-9 a total of 9 nail stickers in the whole series.

The fabric check is a complete sticker without cutting.
It's like buying a piece of cloth and needing to cut the shape yourself.
Extremely practical.

  • Entry-level use: Cut into classic elements such as hearts, stars, crosses, and Korean smiley faces, and can also be made in French style.

  • Advanced use: Fully posted, but there are certain technical requirements

Each sticker contains:

* One plaid nail sticker (8.5cm x 5cm), credit card size, very small, please see the size. *Two reference release stickers (8.5cm x 5cm), including four reference shapes: heart, star, French, and full nail sticker. The price is $4.98/model. The special price for a set of 9 is $35.99


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