MODING QT Series Nail Tips 360p

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QT1  Long Coffin 360p

  • Perfect straight side lines
  • Precision crosshair alignment lines (quickly invisible after glue application)
  • Built-in auxiliary line shaping template (quickly invisible after glue application)
  • Smooth bottom surface design, preserving a high-transparency finish with a sharp right-angle front edge for an elegant, high-end look
  • Slightly tapered rear edges for a better fit to the nail bed
  • Loose pieces: 360 pieces/box
  • Sizes 0-11 (12 total sizes), with double the quantity for sizes 6, 7, and 8 (sizes 0-5 and 9-11: 24 pieces per box, sizes 6-8: 48 pieces per box)

QT2 Long Square 360p

  • Perfect straight side lines
  • Precision crosshair alignment lines (quickly invisible after glue application)
  • Built-in auxiliary line shaping template (quickly invisible after glue application)
  • Smooth bottom surface design, preserving a high-transparency finish with a sharp right-angle front edge for an elegant, high-end look
  • Slightly tapered rear edges for a better fit to the nail bed
  • Loose pieces: 360 pieces/box
  • Sizes 0-11 (12 total sizes), with double the quantity for sizes 6, 7, and 8 (sizes 0-5 and 9-11: 24 pieces per box, sizes 6-8: 48 pieces per box)

QT3 Long Oval 360p

  • Precision crosshair alignment lines (quickly invisible after glue application)
  • Built-in auxiliary line shaping template (quickly invisible after glue application)
  • Smooth bottom surface design, preserving a high-transparency finish
  • Slightly tapered rear edges for a better fit to the nail bed
  • Loose pieces: 360 pieces/box
  • Sizes 0-11 (12 total sizes), with double the quantity for sizes 6, 7, and 8 (sizes 0-5 and 9-11: 24 pieces per box, sizes 6-8: 48 pieces per box)


Contents: 360 pieces/box

Sizes 0-11 (total of 12 sizes), with increased quantity for sizes 6, 7, and 8
Each box: 24 pieces each size (except sizes 6-8), sizes 6-8 each have 48 pieces

Each Box Net Weight: 250g

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