MODING Nude Extension Gel【F40 Strawberry Jelly】20g

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[Product number / color] F40 Strawberry Jelly

Can be used with Moding Nail Molds

使用方法 How to use:

  • 甲面涂上底胶

after pre-treament put on your base gel and cure

2.选择适合的甲模 刷上适量的高硬牛奶延长胶

Select a suitable nail mold and apply an appropriate amount of MODING Nude Extension Gel


Place the nail mold onto the nail surface, gently press until it fits well, and cure under the lamp.


After curing, gently wiggle the mold from side to side to remove it, then use a nail file to shape the nail.

or using as extension gel

How to use:

1. after pre-treament put on your favorite base gel and cure

2. chosse the nude color you want and put a thin layer ,no curing

3. get a gel bead of nude overlay gel and slightly do the overlay method. cure

4. you can put your favorite top coat on or do some nail art you want.


[Contents / Remarks] 20g

Net Weight : 160g

SoftGel type UV/LED(60s)

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