222225 Attachment Care Nail Drill Bit AMR0715-D4S-F

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The cross-cut five-in-one F# fine-tooth grinding head is typically used for specific tasks in nail care

  • Universal for Gel Removal: Suitable for removing most types of nail products, including gel polish.
  • Grinding Steps: Used to smooth out the uneven surfaces of nails.
  • Removing Thin Gel Polish or Residue: Especially useful for removing thin layers of gel polish or any remaining gel.
  • Edge Residue: Specifically designed for cleaning the residue around the edges of the nails.

These grinding heads are usually made of high-quality materials to ensure durability and effective grinding performance. The fine-tooth design helps in precise control during the grinding process, minimizing damage to the nails.

When using this tool, keep the following points in mind:

  1. Appropriate Speed: Adjust the speed of the electric grinder based on different gel removal needs.
  2. Gentle Grinding Movements: Avoid applying too much pressure to prevent nail damage.
  3. Regularly Replace Grinding Heads: Maintain the sharpness and hygiene of the tool.

Ensure safety during use, and if necessary, use protective measures such as gloves and goggles to prevent nail dust from causing harm to the skin and eyes.


Product Code: 222225

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