22222 Attachment Care Nail Drill Bit C0214T

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The small cylindrical ceramic grinding head (M) with medium grooves in blue is designed for precise nail care tasks. Here are its key features and uses:

  1. Medium Grooves (M): Provides a balanced texture for effective grinding without being too harsh.
  2. Small Cylindrical Shape: Allows for precise control and access to hard-to-reach areas.
  3. Blue Version: Often used to identify the type or specific series of the grinding head.

Product Uses:

  • Removing Dead Skin: Effectively removes dead skin from the inner sides of the nails.
  • Removing Residual Gel Polish: Suitable for cleaning away residual gel polish from the nails.

This grinding head is perfect for both professional nail technicians and home users who need a precise and reliable tool for detailed nail care tasks. Its design ensures efficient removal of unwanted materials while protecting the natural nail and surrounding skin.


Product Code: 22222

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