222226 Attachment Care Nail Drill Bit AMR0715-D4S-XF

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The cross-cut fine-tooth XF# grinding head is typically used for specific tasks in nail care, especially suited for beginners. Based on your description, this type of grinding head has the following uses:

  1. Fine-Tooth, Suitable for Beginners: The finer teeth make it easier for beginners to handle nail grinding and removal tasks.
  2. Grinding Steps: Used to smooth out the uneven surfaces of nails.
  3. Removing Thin Gel Polish or Residue: Especially useful for removing thin layers of gel polish or any remaining gel.

These grinding heads are usually made of high-quality materials to ensure durability and effective grinding performance. The fine-tooth design helps in precise control during the grinding process, minimizing damage to the nails.



Product Code: 222226

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